Phone a friend

Phone-a-Friend is a FREE weekly phone call service for anyone feeling lonely, isolated or vulnerable.

Your friendly caller will check how you are feeling and chat to you about your day.

The service provides friendship and security making you feel safer at home. If you do not answer the phone, your Phone-a-Friend caller will call one of your nominated contacts.

For further information or call 028 51950.

Apply for this service!

If you are interested in receiving a friendly phone call once a week please fill out the form below.

  • About you

  • Your Health

  • If so please give details.
  • Your Referral

  • Nominated Contacts

    Please give us the names and contact details for two people who could check on you if you didn’t answer your phone. Ideally, at least one of these people would someone with a key who can access your home.
  • Your Permission & Privacy

  • This form collects your details above so we can contact you back in relation to your enquiry. Phone-a-Friend and Lisheens House treat all data they receive within the guidelines of the Data Protection Acts 1988 & 2003 and GDPR.All Phone-a-Friend data will be stored in the strictest confidence on an encrypted hard drive or in a locked cabinet. Please read the following statements carefully and sign if you are happy with them.Please see our privacy policy for more information.
  • This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.

Voluneer for this service!

Would you like to volunteer to be a Phone-a-Friend caller? Contact us for further information Call 028 51950.




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